Welcome to Admissions

Dear Families,

想象一下,去学校,精力充沛. 想象一下被老师尊重、理解和欣赏的感觉. Imagine being inspired by education. 想象一下,如果你有机会发现新的兴趣,并全力追求你已经热爱的事情. 想象一下,在一个地方,做你自己是值得庆祝的,那里的人们彼此友好.

School CAN be like this. Solebury School IS like this. Every June, 即使在索伯里学校呆了20多年, I'm still struck by the independence, confidence, 以及我们毕业生的职业道德. 我们知道他们将在秋季提前一步进入大学, 拥有成功所需的一切工具. 这种感觉对我来说永远不会变老.

The world feels different and uncertain right now; This moment necessitates that life at Solebury is also a bit different as we take important steps to ensure health and safety for our community and for our prospective families. 知识的力量从未如此确定, ethics, and community can have on the world. 通过现实和虚拟时刻的结合, 我们会告诉你这些是索伯里经历的关键特征. 我们迫不及待地想见到你们,让你们自己体验和享受这一切.


Scott Eckstein P'22 

Admission Events

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Admission Steps:




Fill out this quick form to help us get to know you. 我们会将相关信息发送给您,帮助您更好地了解韦德娱乐app下载地址学校.



Get to Know Us

Schedule a tour or view our Virtual Open Houses Recordings.



Apply Now

Submit the SSAT Common Application 并按照他们的步骤提交建议.



Take the SSAT Test

SSAT考试一直是我们了解学生的一个途径. Given this, 再加上今年可能更难接受这一事实, applicants may, but are not required to, submit an SSAT.


Solebury School now accepts DuoLingo. 考试成绩可以通过多邻国发送,也可以直接发送到 Jordan Reed.

Meet Our Admissions Team

Scott Eckstein P'22 '25


Meg Perry

Director of Admissions

Jordan Reed

战略招生计划主任/财政援助助理主任, Dorm Parent, Science Teacher

Joan Mutascio P'08

Admissions Assistant

Rashad Shabazz '03
