Global Education Week 2022

During the week of January 31 through February 4, Solebury School hosted our annual Global Education Week! 这一周的目的是与学生和教师分享不同的文化和观点, 我们的目标是对我们周围的世界有更深的理解和认识.


本周伊始,社区举办了一场Netflix的《韦德娱乐苹果手机版下载》观看派对. One of the most brutal sports in the world, 意大利传奇足球是佛罗伦萨的一项传统,始于17世纪,今天仍在佛罗伦萨地区进行. Because of how violent the sport is, it can only be played three times a year, with games lasting 50 minutes at most. View the Calcio Storico Trailer


Travis Evans-Sago is a Ph.D. student in the Hispanic Linguistics program at Indiana University. Travis specializes in sociolinguistics, second language acquisition, pragmatics, and discourse analysis. He is currently examining the speech perception of socially indexed cues, such as those pertaining to sexual orientation, by first and second language speakers of Spanish. 特拉维斯讨论了为什么学习语言学很重要,以及语言如何能洞察不同的文化. To end the presentation, 他让学生们参加一个练习,在这个练习中,他描述了三个学习西班牙语的中国学习者,他们的教育水平不同,学习西班牙语的环境也不同. 然后,学生们听了三个声音片段,并试图根据提供给他们的背景信息找出这些声音属于谁. 

On Tuesday and Thursday, 食堂里设置了世界语言表,学生们可以顺便来学习其他同学常用的单词/短语, faculty, and staff who are fluent in Spanish or French.


学生们从过去的参与者那里了解了我们在巴塞罗那和瑞士的交换项目 Isaiah Ginsberg-Henry '20, Henry Eastburn '22, and Adam Mohn '22. They discussed what to expect during the program, the similarities and differences of the cultures, and some of their favorite sites and experiences. We were thrilled to catch up with Isaiah, 她现在正在圣路易斯大学马德里校区学习政治学,主修国际关系!

The Spanish Club held a Hispanic candy tasting contest. Students were able to sample Skinkles (Mexican), Turrón (Spanish), Barrilete (Colombian), and Supercoco (Colombian) and then vote for their favorite.

Vanessa Luna 在西班牙语三班讲秘鲁安第斯山脉社区火灾管理. Vanessa is a Ph.D. student at the University of Florida. 她的研究重点是深入克丘亚社区,调查火灾失控的原因, the impacts, community resilience, and the role of other stakeholders. She discussed how fire is necessary for some ecosystems, how prescribed burns work, and how to live with fire and learn to use it for our benefit. 

Assembly featured a conversation with Fatima Daryabi '23, moderated by Adam Mohn '22, Amelia Watson '23, and Annalise Houghton '24. Fatima described growing up in U.S. 她和她家人的生活在美国占领阿富汗之后发生了多么突然的变化.S. withdrawal and the subsequent takeover by the Taliban. 尽管目前的情况,她仍然对阿富汗的未来持乐观态度. 

On Wednesday night, Carlo Pinilla '25 led a cooking class and taught us how to make delicious chilaquiles.


Scott Eirinberg founded The Reluctant Trading Experiment in 2012. He never had any interest in the spice business, but after receiving a package of pepper from a friend in India, he discovered that not all pepper is the same. 斯科特分享了许多他去看辣椒收获过程的照片,并和学生们讲述了品尝辣椒后他的不情愿是如何改变的. 他解释说,许多人从来没有品尝过新鲜的香料,因为它们通常会在仓库里存放多年. 在考虑从农场到餐桌的行业时,斯科特决定作为一家从农场到餐桌的香料供应商与餐馆接触,并从那里开始了这项业务! 

Our financial math class was joined by Kyle Powers, CEO of LibertyPay, to learn about bitcoin and crypto-remittance payments. 他分享了一个区块链演示,并概述了比特币、哈希和比特币挖矿是什么. 凯尔还讨论了他是如何在2014年推出第一个现金转比特币亭的. Students peppered him with questions, and each student who asked a question received some bitcoin of their own! 


Charlotte Gheorgean 他是德国法院的法官,参加了我们的西班牙语和法语课,讨论出国留学如何塑造他们的未来. 夏洛特讨论了她在美国学习期间发现的美国学校和德国学校的异同.S. for ten months when she was 16. She also discussed her time spent abroad in Australia and France, 分享这些经历帮助她在更深层次上体验了不同的文化,而不是在课堂上,并为她的职业道路奠定了基础. 当被问及她对参加交换项目的学生有什么建议时,她建议与以前参加过交换项目的人交谈, reading travel books on the area, and not being afraid to speak the language of your host county. 

During Arts 2, Ali Eckstein '22 led a wonderful discussion of “Girl,” a short story by Antiguan-American author Jamaica Kincaid.